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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  July 12, 2016 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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it could really save your life. ♪ it's tuesday, july 12th, 2016, this is the "cbs morning news." ♪ crowds turned out in dallas to honor five fallen heroes. today, president obama once again becomes controller in chief addressing a nation in turmoil. and while protesters demand justice by two men killed by police, dallas has a message.
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do instead. to the race for the white house. donald trump's v.p. pick could be days away, while some republicans leaders look to block his nomination. and hillary clinton looks to unite democrats against trump, picking up a crucial endorsement from bernie sanders today but a new poll suggests her e-mail scandal could keep haunting her. good morning from studio 57 newsroom here at cbs news headquarters in new york. good to be with you, i'm anne-marie green. well, president obama travels to dallas today for a memorial service honoring the five officers killed in the attack. the mother of micah johnson said his time in the army reserves changed him. funerals to be held for at least three officers and
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candlelight vigil was held last night. >> reporter: the memorial service that the president will attend today will be begin the much needed healing process here in dallas, and the white house says the president will be bringing a message of comfort. president obama will once again serve as consoler in chief. this time in dallas, the city reeling after the ambush of five city police officers. >> president recognizes the not just people in dallas who are grieving but people across the country who are concerned about the violence that so many americans were witnessed inned last week or so. >> reporter: last night, thousands honored the slain officers during a vigil outside of city hall. among the speakers, the city's outspoken police chief who called the officers superheroes. >>
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no, at patrick zamarripa, it's omar villafranca, it's michael krol, no, look, it's michael smith. >> reporter: investigators have questioned the former army reservist's family about a stock mile of bombmaking equipment found in his home. speaking publicly for the first time to it, saying her son returned from the service a changed man. >> the military was not what micah thought it would be. he was very disappointed. >> reporter: 170 hours of officer body cam video is being reviewed as part of the investigation. now, the first lady, the vice president the former president
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attend the service today. dallas chief david brown has advice for those demonstrating against the recent killings of black men of police. >> serve your community. don't be a part of the problem. we're hiring. we're hiring. get out there of that protest line and put an application in. >> brown is an army veteran who was pushed through -- who has, rather, pushed through reforms at the dallas police department, including a community policing program in black and hispanic neighborhoods. he became chief in 2010. well, coming up on "cbs this morning," gayle king is in dallas, with the mom who was wounded in the shooting while protecting her sons. demonstrations protecting the police sin
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castile in louisiana and also alton sterling in minnesota protests. about 15,000 attended various protests this week in atlanta. and funeral services will be held friday for alton sterling. protests were held early monday in baton rouge, followed by a prayer service last night. meanwhile, baton rouge's top prosecutor said he will recuse himself from investigating sterling's death because of his relationship with the family of one of the involved police officers. the st. paul city attorney says that he's charging nearly 50 people arrested in a weekend protest that shut down an interstate. the protest against philando castile's death saturday night closed interstate 94. the protesters could make their first public appearances today. two longtime michigan
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inmate grabbed the gun of an officer and tried to escape. the berrien county courthouse is located in southwest michigan. larry darnell gordon was being moved. apparently he was not handcuffed. >> during that fight, he was able to get the deputy's agun away and then shoot the deputy and then move out from that area and kill the two bailiffs. >> gordon was trying escape. he briefly took several hostages. a civilian was wounded he was fatally shot by a bailiff after he made a run for it. bernie sanders is expected to endorse former rival hillary clinton. as the democratic party presidential nominee. meanwhile, donald trump is looking for a ticket mate. >> reporter: donald trump rallied
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beach with new jersey governor chris christie warming up the crowd. >> i support donald trump and have for quite sometime. >> reporter: trump told "the washington post" he'll make up his mind on a running mate in the next three or four days. >> it will be america first from now on. america first. >> reporter: but as the billionaire campaigned, a virginia judge issued a ruling saying that state legislates like beau correll can vote for whomever they want at next week's convention. >> donald trump did not exhibit the judgment, the competency for the highest office in the land. >> reporter: and to block the nomination aren't likely to pass. meanwhile, democrats are trying to unite after their own divisive primary, with tuesday, a key day in that effort. bernie sand here's won 22 states and competed against hillary clinton until the end will appear with his ri
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>> she's somebody who is seeking very hard to earn the trust of the american people and to bring all of us together. >> reporter: democrats hold their convention in philadelphia in two weeks. mark albert for cbs news, the white house. a new "washington post" poll shows voters haven't forgotten hillary clinton's e-mail controversy. 56% of those surveyed disapprove of the fbi's decision not to recommend the filing of charges against her. 35% say it was the right call. the republican national convention begins next week but work on the party platform has already begun. >> all i ask today is that you include me and those like me. and not exclude us by simply acknowledging that thoughtful republicans represent multiple views on the definition of marriage. >> the
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co-hair oklahoma governor mary fallin says the fact that hoff was at the meeting shows the gop say big ten party. >> there is a majority vote on the committee itself to reinforce traditional marriage between man and woman. and our platform has been a longtime tradition of the republican party so it's reinforced tonight but she's still welcome in the party. everybody is. >> the debate over same-sex marriage comes after more members of the gop face uncertainty over donald trump's position on social issues. and cbs ed is partnering with twitter to stream cbs live coverage from the democratic national convention. this morning, at least 11 people were killed when a bomb exploded in baghdad. the bomb went off in a vegetable market. up to 32 were wounded and so far no groups have claimed resi
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meanwhile as iraq's military plans a major operation against isis, the pentagon has sent 560 more u.s. troops to back the effort. iraq hopes to push them out of mosul. they hope to set up near the staging area for the attacks. coming up on the "morning news," new leadership in britain, we will meet the woman set to take over as prime minister. and chewbacca match tries to start joy with her latest video, instead, there's controversy. this is the "cbs morning news." otherwise, we might've had to say bye-bye to our favorite robots. so we found this booster, tide rescue, in the stain remove aisle and added it with our detergent. it cleans deep down, where detergent alone just doesn't. daddy, i've got to go potty. progress! tide rescue. the in-wash booster that eliminates odors. find it in the stain remover aisle.
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why does your tummy go "grumbily, grumbily, grumbily"? no more questions for you! ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. good, right? mmm, yeah. lactaid. the milk that doesn't mess with you. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.
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some critics objected harshly that she should stay out of it. brit . police have no
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a robber. the san francisco chronicle reports a misdemeanor assault charge against a member of the golden state warriors. damon green was arrested over the weekend in michigan. he allegedly slapped a fan outside of an events lancing bar. still to come, privacy issues for pokemon go. it may reveal a lot about you. details in "cbs moneywatch." dude's got skills. new dr. scholl's stimulating step insoles. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future, we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts.
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doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle? not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced, but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so we said if you need safelite to come to the zoo we'll come to the zoo! only safelite can fix your windshield anywhere in the us. with our exclusive mobileglassshops. and our one of a kind trueseal technology, for a reliable bond. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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here's a look around the country. the new thing is a video game where you walk around and you look at your phone which is using a camera, and you look at your phone, and in the real world, you see little pokemon. like this fellow sit on a rock in central park. and it has revolutionized people getting hit by cars carrying a phone. >> even stephen colbert is getting in on the pokemon craze. admittedly, i downloaded it as well. now, we're learning there are privacy problems. that's on the "moneywatch" as well as the richest celebrities. jill wagner is on the new york stock exchange.
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continue their upward trend. the s&p on a record high. the dow gained 80 points yesterday. the s&p rose 7 after a record close on the nasdaq being 31. there's some data security concerns involving nintendo's free mobile game pokemon go. pokemon became an immediate hit, but if you're playing the reality game on an an iphone, pokemon go can read all of your e-mails, send an e-mail as you and look at your google history. google says it is working on a fix. starbucks is raising the pay of company employees. the pay hike, 5% or more. the actual amount will depend on store location and market factors. starbucks also says it will work with employees on scheduling, particularly when it concerns
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benefits. today is amazon prime day. amazon hosted its first prime day last year. includes sales on many products that lasts all day and others for four hours. you have to be a prime member to participate or you can sign up for a 30-day free trial. and pop star taylor swift is the world's top earning celebrity according to "forbes" magazine. swift earned over $170 million over the past year thanks to the world tour and making commercials for diet coke and keds and others. and then author james patterson, dr. phil mcgraw and cristiano ronaldo. >> once i hear her songs i cannot get them out of my head. jill wagner at the new york stock exchange. thank you, jill. still ahead -- a social media knockout. we will show you an
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who has got rocky's training moves down pat.
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at firstto survive,ected me let alone regain my life. with the right help and determination, i did. whatever hardship you face, never give up. if you feel overwhelmed by problems, it's okay to ask for help and lean on others for support. you can overcome the toughest challenges, just as i did.
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here's a look at today's aforecast in some cities around the country. ♪ carlos stanton in the home run derby hit a record 68 bombs in san diego to win the exhibition. one traveled nearly 500 feet. the contest is a warmup for tonight's all-star game. and one of the nba's all-time greats retired in the same quiet way he plays. tim duncan won five championships in his 19 seasons with san
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the spurs won 86 regular season game as with him in the middle. today's internet sensation is a baby who apparently uses his playpen as a boxing ring. ♪ >> whoa, even push-ups. a suburban cleveland dad posted the video of his son mimicking the training montage in rocky ii. he's been viewed millions of times. i want to see him doing those rocky steps. maybe give him a year or so. he seems a little wobbly right now. coming up on your "cbs this morning"
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i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." i can't believe it has 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! we certainly are lucky because so moved in with us. those are mom's. yes they are. and our adult children are being savvy with rent so they're here too. mom we're out of peanut butter! we tried the bargain detergent but we had to use twice as much. so we switched to tide. now we get three generations of clothes clean in one wash. has anybody seen my pants? i found them helen! put those on dad! one bottle lasts up to two times longer. it's got to be tide. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup
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need any more proof than that?
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today in dallas president obama will be joined by his predecessor. >> a new section of metro track is closed for repairs this morning. many of the same commuters are still looking for alternate ways to
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>> if you joined the latest app craze playing pokemon go, you may have put your personal data at risk. >> humidity is creeping back into the forecast. here is allyson with more. >> good morning. the morning hours the next couple of hours are looking couple of showers are going to pop up. humidity is increasing. temperatures are going to stay average for this time of year, into the upper 80s. humidity is on its way up. 74 degrees. comfortable for the most part all things considered as you head outdoors this morning. 64 winchester. 70 leesburg. waldorf 64 as well. during the afternoon, a few showers develop. there won't be too many. areas west of 95 you will see a better chance fredricksburg to orange, luray. a couple of showers popping up in the afternoon. it should be okay if you forget the umbrella. we will talk abou
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mid-80s for your lunch hour. we top out in the upper 80s. we talk about the dangerous heat in a bit. ellen? a couple of problem spots. vehicle fire on the inner loop of the beltway. an accident 95 in the northbound lanes. it has been moved to the median. it is before you get to the icc. no backup there. we have the vehicle fire, crews are out on the scene still. this is going to impact the lanes if you are on the inner loop before you hit river road. slow traffic further south of there. about 18 miles per hour at little river turnpike. guys, it might be a hard morning to talk here. we will have more coming up. an investigation is underway into a deadly shoot out at a michigan courthouse. this happened as an inmate was being escorted to a courtroom for a hearing. >> it appears the prisoner wasn't handcuffed when he turned on the
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one of their weapons, shot and killed them both. a deputy and civilian was founded. the inmate was killed by other responding officers. a dramatic lesson about the importance of wearing life vests on the water. witnesses in pittsburgh watched in horror as a boat caught fire. >> four adults, a toddler and dog had to jump off the burning boat. none of them had a life jacked on but thankfully they managed to make it to shore. they suffered burns from the fire. montgomery county executive is calling for an investigation into the cause of the 911 system outage. police tweeted out a situation to a link to neighborhood precincts in case residents needed help. during the outage, rescue units responded to two medical calls where someone died. authorities apologized saying you can try to call 311 or your nearest fire or police station. >> that
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is going on this morning. >> the news at 5:30 starts right now. same song, divers. new surge, same commuters affected. metro's next safety project gets underway. >> good morning, i'm andrea roane. >> glad you are with us. it's tuesday, right? i'm mike hydeck. >> terrific tuesday. >> we will talk about weather and traffic. ellen bryant has the latest on the latest surge. >> she said it would be toff talking. >> it's another coffee run time. >> let's go to allyson. >> i'm two coffees in. >> well done. we are starting off comfortable for the most part. take a look at the michael and son camera. clear skies, temperatures are in the mid-70s right now. as you head out into the suburbs, 6
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not the case this morning. humidity is on its way up. temperatures today, mid- to upper-80s. pretty typical temperature- wise. humidity will continue to creep in. areas to the west your shower chances are greater than areas to the east. we are going to see a few isolated showers and thunderstorms today. ellen, over to you. >> allyson, our produce err in the back called the -- producer in the back called it tongue tied tuesday. 295 is slow from d.c. to the beltway to 95, 18 minutes right now. the problems we had, there is an accident 95 in the northbound lanes before the icc. that has been moved to the median. it's not creating trouble north on 95. we have the vehicle fire on the inner loop of the beltway at river road. they have cleared this. so, there is still a little bit of crews out the.


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